Using Julia on EDDIE at University of Edinburgh

TL;DR : module load roslin/julia/1.5.3

A Numerical Study of an Interacting Particle System

It’s that time of year again for PhD students across the land to write their end of year reports, and I am no different. This year I’ve written primarily in...

Saving Simulation Data and Parameters Efficiently

UPDATE (25/07/20): It seems my initial search for packages that do this was not hitting the right keywords. I’ve since found there are quite a few out there! For now,...

Interacting Particle Systems

Interacting particles systems covers a vast range of mathematics and physics. Here we look one such model of an interacting system, first through the lens of analysis before submitting it...

Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms

This is an example of a post which includes a feature image specified in the front matter of the post. The feature image spans the full-width of the page, and...

Creating a Webpage

This webpage has been created using Jekyll, a Ruby-based website platform using the Memoirs theme. This has largely been plug-and-play for me, only a few minor CSS tweaks (and getting...